Otter Expedition: San Francisco

The Modern Otter x San Fran | #otterexpedition
The Modern Otter x San Fran | #otterexpedition
The Modern Otter x San Fran | #otterexpedition
The Modern Otter x San Fran | #otterexpedition
The Modern Otter x San Fran | #otterexpedition

The Bay Area, Napa, the redwoods, the Mission, Chinatown... I hit up all the tourist destinations. Had to make the most of a relatively short trip! It's crazy how much the landscape changes in California in just a few miles. You could go from the beach to a ski slope in a matter of hours.  

The Modern Otter x San Fran | #otterexpedition
The Modern Otter x San Fran | #otterexpedition
The Modern Otter x San Fran | #otterexpedition
The Modern Otter x San Fran | #otterexpedition
The Modern Otter x San Fran | #otterexpedition
The Modern Otter x San Fran | #otterexpedition

I think my favorite part was hiking in shorts. My calves haven't seen the sun in six months!! Warm weather for the win!

It did take me a few days to slow down to that California pace though. Everything moves so slow there. That's not a bad thing, per se, but definitely a change. New Yorkers are always in a hurry to get somewhere. San Fran is still a tightly packed city, but everyone takes their time. It was a reminder to soak up as much nature and fresh air as I could and forget about where I needed to be next. 

I can see why the Yummertime boys are always smiling. What's there to be upset about when it's warm and the sun is always out? Birkenstocks and tees everyday of the year sounds pretty good right about now. 

Maybe I should consider a bi-coastal lifestyle?

Ok. Where should the Otter travel next? I'm thinking the beach!

Photo credit: Ariela Ljaljicic